Some say that photos look good because of the lighting. Some say that photography only looks good because of the enhancing, or the editing. Others think that it depends on what you take a picture of. I think that it is not what you take the picture of, but how you take the picture. Anything can look original, or beautiful in a photo, but it all depends on the angle you take the photo. If you take a picture of a tree straight on, it just looks like a tree. However, if you take a picture looking out from a tree, it can completely change the viewers interpretation of the tree. Now, instead of just being a normal everyday tree, you can see all the perfections and flaws that make that tree unique. You can see how strong that tree needed to be to grow a branch so big. How much light the tree absorbed, instead of being like humans, and pushing the light away.  |
Photo Courtesy of Maddy Lee |
Photographers don't just push a button to create their masterpieces. They have to train their eye to see beauty and possibility where no one else does. That is what makes a good artist. Everything we see, everything we do, can be interpreted as an art. The problem is that everybody looks at the big picture that never changes, instead of capturing the little things that will never be the same.